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Genocide: Home

Rwanda 1994

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Modern History: World > Cultural and Racial Conflicts > Africa: Tutsis and Hutus

Sudan 1990s-2000s

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Modern History: World > Cultural and Racial Conflicts > Sudan: Tribal conflict

Segment on Darfur starts at 12.48

Cambodia 1975-1979

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Modern History: World > Cambodia: Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge

Muslims and Croats 1991-1995

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Modern History: World > Cultural and Racial Conflicts > Balkans

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Syria 2011-2018

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Modern History: Middle East > The Middle East > Syria

Modern History: World > Cultural and Racial Conflicts > Islamic Countries: Shia and Sunni Muslims

Rohingya 2017-2018

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Religions > Religion-State relationships > Burma/Myanmar: Rohinga Muslims

Find videos on the Rohingya here.

Ms Keen

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Nell Keen
5436 7347