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Year 7 Biology: Year 7 Biology

All endangered species are doomed for extinction.

For more web sites, check out Library Webs. Library Webs collates websites which have been checked for accuracy and quality.

To access outside of the school, log in with user name "pacific" and password "college".

Life Sciences > Mass extinctions > Current extinction event

Life Sciences > Endangered species in Australia

Life Sciences > Endangered species

Life Sciences > Genetic engineering > Cloning endangered and extinct species

Nat Geo Endangered Species

World Wildlife Foundation's list of endangered species with conservation status. Visit the list here. 




Animal Welfare Institute The Animal Welfare Institute website lists endangered species on their website, and has pages on conservation programs. Visit the website here. 

Online Books

General Science Databases and Journals

Green Sea Turtles

 Explore the different sea turtle species, current endangered status and conservation programs. 


 Overview of Green Sea Turtles in US seas and current conservation programs in the US area. Visit site.

For more web sites, check out Library Webs. Library Webs collates websites which have been checked for accuracy and quality.

To access outside of the school, log in with user name "pacific" and password "college". Search for your topic or navigate to the following topics.

Life Sciences > Endangered species > Marine turtles

Your Assignment

Search the State Library Databases

Search the State Library of Queensland site for databases, journal articles, academic papers, datasets etc. You need to sign up for a free State Library membership.

Palm oil production is responsible for deforestation

Visit Library Webs for web sites on palm oil. To access from home use log in "pacific" and "college".

Navigate to:

Life Sciences > Rainforests > Threats to rainforests

Life Sciences > Rainforests > Rainforests of Indonesia

Geography > Asia: Environmental Issues > Asia: Deforestation

Life Sciences > Rainforests > Rainforests of Papua New Guinea

Teacher Resources

This is a set of student digital activities about classification of living things and ecosystems and their management. 



TigTag is a collection of Science video clips and associated activities on a range of topics for the primary school.

You will need to log in. If you have not yet set up a log in, see Nell.

Ms Keen

Profile Photo
Nell Keen
5436 7347