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Farm to Feast: Healthy Food Choices: Farm to Feast: Healthy Food Choices

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Why is eating a healthy, balanced diet important?

Can what you eat affect your mental health? New research links diet and the mind [newspaper article] (Gisela Telis, Washington Post, 2014) 

Does your diet affect your mental health? (Felice Jacka, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2014) 

Health check: how food affects mood and mood affects food (Kate Flinders and Chris Forbes-Ewan, The Conversation, 2014) 

How does food impact health? (Carolyn Denton, University of Minnesota, 2013) 

How food choices can positively and negatively affect your health (Chris Dinesen Rogers, Live Strong, 2015) 

How your food choices affect your health [magazine article] (Jessica Girdwain, Family Circle, 2012) 

How your food choices impact your hormones (Heather McClees, One Green Planet, 2015) 

The summer of wellbeing, part II: feeding your body(University of Minnesota) 

What should I eat for my specific condition? (Carolyn Denton, University of Minnesota, 2013) 

What you eat affects your productivity (Ron Friedman, Harvard Business Publishing, 2014) 

You are what you eat: how diet affects mental well-being(Felice Jacka, The Conversation, 2014) 

Healthy eating (Teen Health, Child and Youth Health, South Australian Government) 

Nutrition facts: nutrition and the health of young people(Adolescent and School Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services) 

Nutrition for teens (Nutrition Australia) 

Nutrition for teens (Catherine Saxelby, Food Watch) 

Teen nutrition (Family Education, Pearson Education) 

The effects of poor nutrition on your health (Ripa Ajmera, Live Strong, 2015)

How can food be effectively prepared?

A balanced diet (Health Direct, Australian Government, 2013)  

A nutritionally balanced meal, day and week (Georgia Harding, Well Nourished, 2013) 

Balanced diet (Brian Krans, Healthline, 2016) 

Eating a balanced diet (National Health Service, UK, 2014)

Food handling and hygiene (Queensland Government, 2015) 

Food safety (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) 

Four delicious, balanced meals (Charlyne Mattox, Real Simple) 

Healthy eating plate and healthy eating pyramid (Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, 2011)

Healthy eating style (Choose My Plate, United States Department of Agriculture, 2016) 

Healthy eating (Heart Foundation of Australia, 2015) 

Healthy recipes (Eat for Health, Australian Government, 2015) 

How to plan balanced meals (Maureen Bligh, Healthy Eating, Dairy Council of California, 2016) 

Who and what affects what we eat?

A brain reward gene influences food choices (McGill University, 2013) 

Blame it on mum and dad: how genes influence what we eat (Nicholas Archer, The Conversation, 2015) 

Do increased portion sizes affect how much we eat?(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2006) 

Five scientific developments that will change the way we eat [newspaper article] (Adam Liaw, The Guardian, 2015)

Food labels are about informing choice, not some nanny state (Mark Lawrence and Christina Pollard, The Conversation, 2014) 

How does food affect our brain? (Gary L Wenk, Psychology Today, 2010) 

How technology is changing what we eat (Kit Yarrow, Psychology Today, 2012) 

Hungry? Food choices are often influenced by forces out of your control (Christina Roberto and Mary Gorski, The Conversation, 2015) 

Rural Australians are missing out on affordable fresh food (Brendon L Neuen...and others, The Conversation, 2013)

Stress and food intake (European Food Information Council, 2015) 

Study suggests children's food choices are affected by direct advertising and parental influence (Eureka Alert, 2011)

The colors we eat (Tom Vanderbilt, Nautilus, 2015) 

The determinants of food choice (European Food Information Council, 2005) 

What are four things that can affect food choices? (Paula Martinac, SFGate) 

What's with the color of your plate? Does the color of your plate affect how much you eat? (Koert Van Ittersum and Brian Wansink, Cornell University, 2012) 

What’s in your purse dictates what’s on your plate (Thandi Puoane, The Conversation, 2015) 

Why do we eat what we eat: food choice - a complex behaviour (European Food Information Council, 2004) 

Why we eat what we eat (Health Pages, 2016) 

Guide to Healthy Eating


Facts about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating

How can individuals encourage others to eat healthy food?

4 ways to encourage healthier food choices at work(Alyfe Wellbeing, 2016) 

5 ways to help your child make healthy food choices(Corrine E Fischer, Keep Your Diet Real, 2010) 

7 ways to get your kids to eat fruit (and love it!) (Caroline Kaufman, Public Broadcasting Service, 2016) 

Choose the foods you need to grow: 10 tips for teen guys (Choose My Plate, United States Department of Agriculture, 2014) 

Eat smart and be active as you grow: 10 healthy tips for teen girls (Choose My Plate, United States Department of Agriculture, 2014) 

Encourage kids to eat healthy food (Public Broadcasting Service) 

Help your teen make healthy food choices (Raising Children Network, Healthy Families BC, 2014) 

How to help your child make healthy food choices(eXtension, 2014) 

How to… support people to make healthy food choices(Mencap, 2010) 

Strategies to encourage better food choices (Bush Book, Northern Territory Government) 

Supermarket strategies to encourage healthy eating(Food Trust) 

Three ways to encourage healthy eating anywhere(Niamh Michail, Food Navigator, 2015) 

Books on Food and Nutrition in our Library