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Glasshouse Mountains: Home

How did the Glass House Mountains get their name?

The Glass House Mountains were named by Lieutenant James Cook, when he was sailing north during his epic journey along Australia’s east coast. He navigated the area on May 17, 1770 in HM Bark Endeavour. 

In his journal of that day Cook wrote ‘these hills lie but a little way inland, and not from each other: they are remarkable for the singular form of their elevation, which very much resembles a glass house, and for this reason I called them Glass Houses’. 

The glass houses referred to by Cook were the glass making foundries in Yorkshire, England where he was born. 



Which mountains make up the Glass House Mountains?

  1. Mount Beerwah (556 metres)
  2. Mount Coonowrin (377 metres)
  3. Mount Tibrogargan (364 metres)
  4. Mount Tunbubudla (294 metres)
  5. Mount Beerburrum (278 metres)
  6. Mount Ngungun (253 metres)
  7. Mount Coochin (235 metres)
  8. Mount Tibberowuccum (220 metres)
  9. Mount Miketeebumulgrai (202 metres)
  10. Wild Horse Mountain (123 metres)
  11. Mount Elimbah (109 metres)
  12. Mount Cooee (106 metres)

Indigenous People and the Glass House Mountains

How were the Glass House Mountains formed?

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