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The Middle Ages: The Middle Ages

Books in our Library on the Middle Ages

Fiction set in the Middle Ages

History Skills: Primary and Secondary Sources

The Feudal System

 What was The Feudal System ?

What was life like in the Middle Ages?


Read here why it was good to be king.

Then read here why it was NOT good to be king!


Would you like to have been a Medieval Noble?

Read this and decide.

Some say nobles were the 'middle men' between the peasants and the royal family.


Read here about the life of a Knight.


Read here and here about the life of peasants.


The Christian Crusades lasted for about 174 years, but only 24 years involved fighting. The map above shows the path of the main 4 Crusades.

What were The Christian Crusades ?

How many were there? Read this article to find out the details of each Crusade and the Timeline of events.

There were more than 56 different battles that took place in the Crusades. Some of the most famous included:

Richard I was King of England from 6 July 1189 until his death. Why was he known as Richard the Lionheart? Read about him here and read more about him here.

This article outlines what was gained from the Crusades. Click here to read it.

Clickview Videos

Lessons from ABC Splash

Check out the video clips on topics such as the plague, seige engines and knights.


Online Book

Click on the cover to read. (This item can only be accessed within the college.)

Crash Course

The Muslim Renaissance

"East to West" episode four

Watch this video about the inventions and achievements of Islamic society in the Middle Ages.

For Teachers

Your teacher librarian

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