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Books in our Library by Pamela Allen
The toymaker and the birdISBN: 9780670073634
Doodledum DancingISBN: 0670028223
Fat FerdieISBN: 9780670077168
Grandpa and ThomasISBN: 0670041572
Grandpa and Thomas and the green umbrellaISBN: 0670029734
Herbert & HarryISBN: 0140567836
The little old man who looked up at the moonISBN: 9780670075812
Mr McGeeISBN: 0140509690
Mr McGee and the big bag of breadISBN: 0670042390
Mr McGee and the elephantsISBN: 9780670076512
Our daft dog DannyISBN: 9780670073351
The pear in the pear treeISBN: 0140564977
The potato peopleISBN: 0670896608
Share said the roosterISBN: 0670029424
Shhh! Little mouseISBN: 9780670070688
The toymaker and the birdISBN: 9780670073634
Wiggle Giggle Gargle!
Who sank the boat?ISBN: 0140509402
Bertie and the Bear
Mr. Archimedes' Bath
The Big Fish
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