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Where do my Sneakers Come From?: Where do my Sneakers Come From?

Books in our Library

Rag Trade

60 Minutes report: The Rag Trade


Where is Bangladesh?

Fair Trade

Useful Web Sites

Are your clothes made in sweatshops? (Oxfam Australia) 

Behind the Boko Haram headlines, slavery in Africa is the real crisis (Emma Christopher, The Conversation, 2014)

Child labour exploitation taints Easter eggs (World News, Special Broadcasting Service, 2011)  

Child labour in India: causes, governmental policies and the role of education (Mitesh V Badiwala, Karmayog, 1998) 

Child labour in sweatshops worldwide [newspaper article](Lyn Thomas, Tropic Post, 2010)  

Child sweatshop shame threatens Gap's ethical image [newspaper article] (Dan McDougall, The Observer, 2007) 

Child workers in Asia (Asia Society, 2008)  

Children and the global sweatshop (Albion Monitor) 

Children of the looms: rescuing the ‘carpet kids’ of Nepal, India and Pakistan (Suzanne Charlé, Ford Foundation Report, 2001)
Free the children: an interview with Craig Kielburger(Third World Traveler) 

Killing for carpets -- slavery and death in Pakistan's carpet industry (Third World Traveler) 

Labour trafficking, not sex trafficking needs more attention (Tim Costello, The Drum Opinion, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2011)  

Meeting Millennium Development Goals: sweatshop girl(BBC, 2010)  

Nike shoes and child labor in Pakistan (Faraz Azam, American University, 1999)  

Overseas sweatshops are a U.S. responsibility [newspaper article] (Daniel Viederman, Business Week, 2007) 

Sweatshop labor (Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America)  

Sweatshops and child labor (Wanda Embar, Vegan Peace) 

Sweatshops are still supplying high street brands [newspaper article] (Madeleine Bunting, The Guardian, 2011) 

Taking on modern slavery and the challenge of making it history (Deirdre Coleman, The Conversation, 2014) 
Where sweatshops are a dream [newspaper article](Nicholas D Kristof, New York Times, 2009)